This is Part 6 of my trip to Nepal.  If you missed the other parts you can find them here.

It’s easy to get hungry when trekking around Kathmandu, and there certainly is plenty to eat.  To keep your carbs up, there are carts rolling around the city selling… well, I don’t really know what they were selling so I never got any, but it looked good.  I think at least one of these things is popcorn.IMG_0263s

It looked like the carts were mobile versions of these grain stores below.  Since most stores were “I open this garage door, and you buy stuff” this was interesting because the goods were out on the sidewalk ready for you to have some.  Notice the eggs just hanging out unrefrigerated. A debate you are happy to have on your own time.


However, you can’t live by legumes and grain alone.  You have to have some vegetables and Nepal has A LOT of those.  There are people selling vegetables in almost every square.


The vegetables looked healthy, vibrant and colorful.  The eggplant was purple, the tomatoes red and the carrots nice and orange.  Great looking stuff!  And around every corner there was another person nonchalantly showing you their veggies waiting for you to buy some.. or not.. they didn’t really seem to care.


So we covered grains, veggies.  I guess the only thing left is meat.  If you are interested in beef, it certainly can be found EVERYWHERE.  See:


Oh, you wanted to eat it.  Sure!

There certainly are plenty of places willing to sell you meat.  For instance, there is this highly sanitary, health department certified and OSHA compliant butcher shop right here!


Oh, if you were wondering about OSHA compliance, I meant the table top was OK to assemble electronics on.  Not so sure about meat.

OK, so maybe you don’t like this butcher shop.  Let’s find a happier place with more meat for sale.


There is so much being said in the photo above.  I look at different parts every time, and it says something new to me each time.  It’s all rather depressing, but new every time.  One last try.  Maybe something with chicken.


They leave the eggs out without refrigeration, so it must be OK to do the same thing with the chicken, right?  Can’t see any harm in that.

Once you get all your food back to your place.  How do you cook it?  Well now we’re cooking with gas! Canisters and canisters of gas.


I learned that while I was visiting Nepal there was a merger between the red bottle natural gas company and the blue bottle natural gas company.  This was big news.  One of the cooler things I saw were bikes that had brackets over the front and back wheels where these canisters could be hooked, and then biked around town.  Pretty neat.

At the end of the day though; maybe you don’t want to cook for yourself.  Maybe you had a rough day at the temple praying, being quiet, and just being monk like.

Maybe you just want to get away from it all, and have some good Italian food somewhere that has some great cell phone reception.


I call this photograph “Two Monks at the Little Italy Ristorante and Bar”.  With the subtitle of, “Yes, One of Those Cell Phones is Pink”.

I did manage to find a a great place to eat the last night I was there.  The food was delicious.  If you want the directions, just wander around Thamel until you find the sign in the background.  Seriously, that’s the easiest way to find it.


If you are still wondering why eating here might not be the safest thing to try while you are here, wait for my post that’s ALL about water.  H2Oh no that’s not right!

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